SP PME2 Week 7 - Teaching Online

My first week of teaching online was really interesting and I certainly learned a lot about how my students would use the available technology and how I would use the technology available to me.

I made a series of video presentations and demonstrations that students would be directed to for a class, and that they could refer to in their own time.

I used a combination of meeting my classes online and assigning work for a class. It was important to not have students sat in front of a laptop all day long, and to ensure they had adequate time to work on their art work. This week was a real learning curve and I realised that students would not get through the amount of content I was providing within the time allowed.

A still from a video demonstration about value and shading, which students could refer to during class and in their own time.

A still from a video demonstration about value and shading, which students could refer to during class and in their own time.